Source code for switchbot_api.bot_information

Python-Switchbot-BLE: A Python library for interfacing with Switchbot devices over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Copyright (C) 2023  Benjamin Carlson

from typing import Optional, List, Dict
import zlib
from datetime import timedelta

from .bot_types import SwitchBotDeviceType, SwitchBotMode, SwitchBotGroup
from .alarm_info import AlarmInfo, AlarmExecAction, AlarmExecType, DayOfWeek

[docs]class BotInformation: def __init__(self, get_info_byte_array: Optional[bytearray] = None): """ Initialize information class with "Get Information" bytes if present :param get_info_byte_array: The byte data from the Get Information request :type get_info_byte_array: Optional[bytearray] """ # Start Device Info self._remaining_battery_percent = 100 # 0-100 self._firmware_version: float = 6.3 self._push_button_strength = 100 # 0-100 self._sensor_adc_value = 0 # Analog Digital Converter value self._motor_calibration_val = 0xA1 # Motor calibration value self._time_number = 0 # Number of the timer? self._bot_act_mode = 0 # Bot action mode, TOOD: Convert to new enum self._hold_and_press_times = 0 # Default self._is_encrypted = False self._device_type = SwitchBotDeviceType.BOT self._bot_mode = SwitchBotMode.ONE_STATE # Default self._is_off = True self._encryption_type = 0 # (0 = standard checksum, 1 = TBD) self._device_groups: List[SwitchBotGroup] = [] self._current_pass_str: Optional[str] = None self._current_pass_checksum: Optional[bytearray] = None # End Device Info # Start time management info # UNIX time since epoch self._current_timestamp = 0 self._alarm_count = 0 self._alarm_infos: Dict[int, AlarmInfo] = {} # End time management info if get_info_byte_array is not None: self._init_from_byte_array(get_info_byte_array) def _init_from_byte_array(self, get_info_byte_array: bytearray): """ Initialize data from "Get Information" bytes :param get_info_byte_array: The byte data from the Get Information request :type get_info_byte_array: bytearray """ if len(get_info_byte_array) != 12: raise ValueError( f"Invalid byte array length ({len(get_info_byte_array)})for BotInformation" ) # For 1 byte values int_data = [int(byte) for byte in get_info_byte_array] self._remaining_battery_percent = int_data[0] # 0-100 self._firmware_version: float = int_data[1] * 0.1 # 44 * 0.1 = 4.4 Firmware version self._push_button_strength = int_data[2] # 0-100 self._sensor_adc_value = int.from_bytes( get_info_byte_array[3:5], byteorder="big" ) # Analog Digital Converter value self._motor_calibration_val = int.from_bytes( get_info_byte_array[5:7], byteorder="big" ) # Motor calibration value self._time_number = int_data[7] # Number of the timer? self._bot_act_mode = int_data[8] # Bot action mode, TOOD: Convert to new enum self._hold_and_press_times = int_data[9] # Hold-and-press times self.read_service_bytes(get_info_byte_array[10:12])
[docs] def read_service_bytes(self, service_bytes: bytearray) -> None: """ Update object from service bytes (either from advertisement or Get Information) :param service_bytes: Service byte array :type service_bytes: bytearray """ if len(service_bytes) < 2 or len(service_bytes) > 3: raise ValueError( f"Invalid service bytes length ({len(service_bytes)})for BotInformation" ) # Might be little endian for broadcasting, currently assuming big endian (from BLE requests) # Handle Encrypted/Device Type Byte enc_dev_type_byte = service_bytes[0] self._is_encrypted = (enc_dev_type_byte & 0x80) == 0x80 # First bit is 1 if encrypted device_type_int = int(enc_dev_type_byte & 0x7F) # Last 7 bits are the device type try: self._device_type = SwitchBotDeviceType(device_type_int) except ValueError: print(f"Unknown device type: {device_type_int}") pass # End Encrypted/Device Type Byte # Handle Status Byte status_byte = service_bytes[1] bot_mode_int = int( (status_byte & 0x80) == 0x80 ) # First bit is the bot mode (0 = one state, 1 = on/off state) self._bot_mode = SwitchBotMode(bot_mode_int) self._is_off = ( status_byte & 0x40 ) == 0x40 # Second bit is the current bot state (0 = on, 1 = off) self._encryption_type = int( (status_byte & 0x20) == 0x20 ) # Third bit is the encryption type (0 = standard checksum, 1 = TBD) # A little bit unsure what to do with this has_service_data_update = ( status_byte & 0x10 ) == 0x10 # Fourth bit is if the service data has been updated (0 = no, 1 = yes) self._device_groups = [ group for group in SwitchBotGroup if (status_byte & group.value) == group.value ] # Last 4 bits are the device group membership # End Status Byte if len(service_bytes) > 2: update_utc_flag_bat_byte = service_bytes[2] does_require_utc_sync = ( update_utc_flag_bat_byte & 0x80 ) == 0x80 # First bit is if the device requires a UTC sync self._remaining_battery_percent = int( update_utc_flag_bat_byte & 0x7F ) # Last 7 bits are the remaining battery percent
# Basic Info Properties @property def password_str(self) -> Optional[str]: return self._current_pass_str @password_str.setter def password_str(self, password_str: Optional[str]): """ Sets the password (or clears with None) and computes the password checksum :param password_str: The new password string :type password_str: Optional[str] """ if password_str is None: self._is_encrypted = False self._current_pass_str = None self._current_pass_checksum = None return self._current_pass_str = password_str self._current_pass_checksum = zlib.crc32(self._current_pass_str.encode()).to_bytes( 4, byteorder="big" ) self._is_encrypted = True @property def password_checksum(self) -> Optional[bytearray]: return self._current_pass_checksum @property def is_encrypted(self) -> bool: return self._is_encrypted @property def remaining_battery_percent(self) -> int: return self._remaining_battery_percent @property def firmware_version(self) -> float: return self._firmware_version @property def push_button_strength(self) -> int: return self._push_button_strength @property def sensor_adc_value(self) -> int: return self._sensor_adc_value @property def motor_calibration_val(self) -> int: return self._motor_calibration_val @property def time_number(self) -> int: return self._time_number @property def bot_action_mode(self) -> int: return self._bot_act_mode @property def hold_and_press_times(self) -> int: return self._hold_and_press_times @property def device_type(self) -> SwitchBotDeviceType: return self._device_type @property def bot_mode(self) -> SwitchBotMode: return self._bot_mode @property def is_off(self) -> bool: return self._is_off @property def encryption_type(self) -> int: return self._encryption_type @property def device_groups(self) -> List[SwitchBotGroup]: return self._device_groups # End Basic Info Properties # Start Time Management Properties @property def alarm_count(self) -> int: return self._alarm_count @alarm_count.setter def alarm_count(self, count: int): """ Updates alarm count (and performs 0 <= n <= 4 bounds checking) :param count: The amount of alarms :type count: int """ if count < 0 or count > 4: print(f"Invalid alarm count {count}, must be between 0 and 4!") raise UserWarning(f"Invalid alarm count {count}, must be between 0 and 4!") self._alarm_count = count @property def system_timestamp(self) -> int: return self._current_timestamp @system_timestamp.setter def system_timestamp(self, timestamp: int): """ Updates the timestamp (and performs 0 <= t bounds checking) :param timestamp: SwitchBot Unix timestamp :type timestamp: int """ if timestamp < 0: print(f"Invalid timestamp {timestamp}, must be greater than 0!") raise UserWarning(f"Invalid timestamp {timestamp}, must be greater than 0!") self._current_timestamp = timestamp @property def active_alarms(self) -> List[AlarmInfo]: return [info for _, info in self._alarm_infos.items()]
[docs] def update_alarm(self, response_data: bytearray): """ Update alarm info from fetch alarm info request :param response_data: response bytes :type response_data: bytearray """ if len(response_data) != 11: print( f"Could not update alarm, invalid response data length {len(response_data)} (Must be 11)" ) alarm_count = response_data[0] alarm_idx = response_data[1] exec_repeatedly = response_data[2] >> 7 == 0 valid_days: List[DayOfWeek] = [] for dow in DayOfWeek: if response_data[2] & (1 << dow.value) == 1: valid_days.append(dow) exec_time = timedelta(hours=response_data[3], minutes=response_data[4]) exec_type = AlarmExecType(response_data[5]) exec_action = AlarmExecAction(response_data[6]) action_count = response_data[7] exec_interval = timedelta( hours=response_data[8], minutes=response_data[9], seconds=response_data[10] ) info = AlarmInfo( exec_repeatedly, valid_days, exec_time, exec_type, exec_action, action_count, exec_interval, ) self._alarm_count = alarm_count self._alarm_infos[alarm_idx] = info