Source code for switchbot_api.bot_types

Python-Switchbot-BLE: A Python library for interfacing with Switchbot devices over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Copyright (C) 2023  Benjamin Carlson

import enum
import enum_tools.documentation

__all__ = ["SwitchBotCommand", "SwitchBotReqType", "SwitchBotAction", "SwitchBotMode", "TimeManagementInfoSubCommand", "SwitchBotGroup", "SwitchBotDeviceType", "SwitchBotRespStatus", "f_bytes"]

enum_tools.documentation.INTERACTIVE = True

[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class SwitchBotCommand(enum.Enum): ''' Generally known UUIDS for the SwitchBot (Bot) ''' # Known Valid UUIDs COMM_SERVICE_UUID = "cba20d00-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b" REQ_CHAR_UUID = "cba20002-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b" RESP_CHAR_UUID = "cba20003-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b" # Unknown if valid UUIDs SERVICE_CHANGED_CHAR_UUID = "00002a05-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" # Handle 0x04 and 0x19 CLIENT_CHAR_CONFIG_UUID = "00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb" GENERIC_ATTRIB_PROFILE_UUID = "00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class SwitchBotReqType(enum.Enum): ''' The type of request to send to the SwitchBot ''' COMMAND = 0x01 GET_BASIC_INFO = 0x02 SET_BASIC_INFO = 0x03 SET_PASSWORD = 0x07 GET_TIME_MGMT_INFO = 0x08 SET_TIME_MGMT_INFO = 0x09 EXTENDED_COMMAND = 0x0F CLEAR_PASSWORD = 0x17
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class SwitchBotAction(enum.Enum): ''' The action to execute on a COMMAND request ''' PRESS = 0x00 # doc: Press ON = 0x01 # doc: Turn on OFF = 0x02 # doc: Turn off PUSH_STOP = 0x03 # doc: Push and leave BACK = 0x04 # doc: Pull and leave
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class SwitchBotMode(enum.Enum): ''' The type of mode to enable for the SwitchBot ''' ONE_STATE = 0x0 # doc: Single action state ON_OFF_STATE = 0x1 # doc: On/Off state
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class TimeManagementInfoSubCommand(enum.Enum): ''' The subcommand to send to the SwitchBot for time management ''' DEVICE_TIME = 0x01 ALARM_COUNT = 0x02 ALARM_INFO = 0x03
# Unsure on the use of this, probbaly a larger ecosystem thing
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class SwitchBotGroup(enum.Enum): ''' The group that the device belongs to ''' GROUP_A = 0x0 GROUP_B = 0x1 GROUP_C = 0x2 GROUP_D = 0x3
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class SwitchBotDeviceType(enum.Enum): ''' The type of device that the SwitchBot is ''' BOT = 0x48 WO_BUTTON = 0x42 DOOR_LOCK = 0x6F HUB_ADD = 0x4C # Add mode HUB = 0x6C HUB_PLUS_ADD = 0x50 # Add mode HUB_PLUS = 0x70 FAN_ADD = 0x46 # Add mode FAN = 0x66 METER_ADD = 0x74 # Add mode METER = 0x54 MINI_ADD = 0x4D # Add mode MINI = 0x6D CURTAIN_PAIR = 0x43 # Pair mode CURTAIN = 0x63 CONTACT_SENSOR_PAIR = 0x44 # Pair mode CONTACT_SENSOR = 0x64 MOTION_SENSOR_PAIR = 0x53 # Pair mode MOTION_SENSOR = 0x73
[docs]@enum_tools.documentation.document_enum class SwitchBotRespStatus(enum.Enum): ''' The status of the response from the SwitchBot ''' UNKNOWN = 0x00 OK = 0x01 ERROR = 0x02 BUSY = 0x03 COMM_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x04 COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x05 LOW_BATTERY = 0x06 ENC_WRONG_PASSWORD = 0x07 DEV_UNENCRYPTED = 0x08 # I don't know when this would be returned PASSWORD_ERROR = 0x09 ENC_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x0A NO_NEARBY_MESH_DEVICE = 0x0B FAILED_NETWORK_CONNECTION = 0x0C
# Technically doesn't belong here but should be accessible everywhere
[docs]def f_bytes(data: bytearray) -> str: """ Formats byte array to readable hex string :param data: The data to format :type data: bytearray :return: Space seperated hex string :rtype: str """ return " ".join(hex(x) for x in data)